matlab Radon变换倾斜检测我要分享

MATLAB Radon transform skew detection

matlab 检测 变换 matlabRadon 倾斜

关注次数: 287

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文件大小: 1.24 kB

代码分类: 其他

开发平台: matlab

下载需要积分: 2积分



中文说明:function [tilteAngle,maxAreaStart,maxAreaEnd] = radonTransform(plateGray,radonDebug)输入灰度图在与x轴夹角+-45度范围内进行radon变换分析求各个角度上的投影的方差找到最大方差所在的角度,作为倾斜检测结果这种方法比找最长直线更为稳定 

English Description:

function [tilteAngle,maxAreaStart,maxAreaEnd] = radonTransform(plateGray,radonDebug)Input grayscale imageIn the angle between the x axis within +-45 radon transform analysisSeeking all the variance of perspective projectionFind the point of maximum variance, skew detection resultsThis way more stable than the longest line
