牛顿Newton插值 MATLAB源程序代码我要分享

Newton Newton interpolation MATLAB source code

matlab 代码 源程序 newton 插值 牛顿

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文件大小: 60.70 kB

代码分类: 其他

开发平台: matlab

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中文说明:应用背景 牛顿Newton插值 MATLAB 插值法利用函数f (x)在某区间中若干点的函数值,作出适当的特定函数,在这些点上取已知值,在区间的其他点上用这特定函数的值作为函数f (x)的近似值。如果这特定函数是多项式,就称它为插值多项式。利用插值基函数很容易得到拉格朗日插值多项式,公式结构紧凑,在理论分析中甚为方便,但当插值节点增减时全部插值基函数均要随之变化,整个公式也将发生变化, 这在实际计算中是很不方便的,为了克服这一缺点,提出了牛顿插值 关键技术插值法利用函数f (x)在某区间中若干点的函数值,作出适当的特定函数,在这些点上取已知值,在区间的其他点上用这特定函数的值作为函数f (x)的近似值。

English Description:

Application backgroundNewton Newton interpolation MATLABInterpolation by function f (x) in a range of several points on the function value, make appropriate to the particular function, in the points from the known values, in the interval of the other point with this particular function values as a function f (x) approximation. If this particular function is a polynomial, it is called an interpolation polynomial. Lagrange interpolation polynomial can be obtained easily by using the interpolation basis function, formula has the advantages of compact structure, in theoretical analysis is very convenient, but when interpolation node changes all interpolation basis function to change, the formula will also change, which in practical computation is very convenient, in order to overcome this shortcoming, the Newton interpolationKey TechnologyInterpolation by function f (x) in a range of several points on the function value, make appropriate to the pa
