
APriori algorithm source code

matlab 算法 源代码 apriori

关注次数: 196

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文件大小: 9.54 kB

代码分类: 其他

开发平台: matlab

下载需要积分: 2积分



中文说明:Apriori算法1994年由R.Agrawal等人提出来的Apriori算法是 关联规则挖掘的一个经典算法,后来的许多算法都是基于该算法的思想。算 法的名称来源于在算法中应用了频繁项集的先验知识,即:一个频繁项集的 任一非空子集必定是频繁项集;因此只要某一项集是非频繁的,则其超集就 无须再检验。

English Description:

Apriori algorithm in 1994 by R. Agrawal, who suggested that Apriori algorithm is a classical algorithm for Mining Association rules, many subsequent algorithms are based on the ideas of the algorithm. Algorithm comes from the name of the algorithm of frequent itemsets in the prior knowledge, namely: a frequent itemsets any nonempty subsets must be frequent itemset; so long as a set is often, its a superset without further testing.
