leach 协议我要分享

leach protocol

matlab 协议 leach

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开发平台: matlab

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中文说明:LEACH是一种分层的协议,其中大多数节点发送到簇头,和簇头聚集和压缩数据,并将其转发到基站(汇)。每个节点使用随机算法在每一轮以确定它是否会成为簇头在这一轮。 LEACH假定每个节点具有强大到足以直接到达基站或最近的簇头的无线电,但是,使用这种无线电以全功率的所有时间将浪费能量。对已集群头节点不能成为簇头再次用于P轮,其中P是簇头所需的百分比。此后,每个节点具有成为簇头在每一轮1 / Pprobability。在每一回合结束时,每个节点是不是一个簇头选择最接近的簇头,并加入该集群。簇头,然后在其集群中的每个节点发送其数据创建一个日程安排。所有节点不属于簇头根据由簇头中创建的时间表与簇头中以TDMA方式仅通信。它们因此采用到达簇头所需的最小能量,并且只需要在它们的时隙,以保持它们的收音机上。LEACH也使用CDMA的,使得每个集群使用一组不同的CDMA码,以最小化簇之间的干扰。

English Description:

LEACH is a hierarchical protocol in which most nodes transmit to cluster heads, and the cluster heads aggregate and compress the data and forward it to the base station (sink). Each node uses a stochastic algorithm at each round to determine whether it will become a cluster head in this round. LEACH assumes that each node has a radio powerful enough to directly reach the base station or the nearest cluster head, but that using this radio at full power all the time would waste energy.Nodes that have been cluster heads cannot become cluster heads again for P rounds, where P is the desired percentage of cluster heads. Thereafter, each node has a 1/Pprobability of becoming a cluster head in each round. At the end of each round, each node that is not a cluster head selects the closest cluster head and joins that cluster. The cluster head then creates a schedule for each node in its cluster to transmit its data.All nodes that are not cluster heads only communicate with the cluste
