Image contrast enhancement using histogram equalization with maximum intensity coverage我要分享

Image contrast enhancement using histogram equaliz

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文件大小: 2.01 kB

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开发平台: matlab

下载需要积分: 2积分



中文说明:The histogram equalization process is a simple yet efficient image contrast enhancement technique that generally produces satisfactory results. However, due to its design limitations, output images often experience a loss of fine details or contain unwanted viewing artefacts. One reason for such imperfection is a failure of some techniques to fully utilize the allowable intensity range in conveying the information captured from a scene. The proposed colour image enhancement technique introduced in this work aims at maximizing the information content within an image, whilstminimizing the presence of viewing artefacts and loss of details. This is achieved by weighting the input image and the interim equalized image recursively until the allowed intensity range is maximally covered. The proper weighting factor is optimally determined using the efficient golden section search algorithm. Experiments had been conducted on a large

English Description:

The histogram equalization process is a simple yet efficient image contrast enhancement technique

