
Dynamic Modeling of Microgrid for Grid Connected a

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开发平台: matlab

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中文说明:微电网被定义为多个群集分布式的发电机 (DGs) 等可再生能源这提供电能。微电网的连接是在与主网格中平行。当微网是隔绝剩下的人据说是在故意的实用系统,孤岛模式。在此模式下,DG 逆变器系统在运行要提供恒定的电压到本地负载的电压控制模式。在网格连接模式下,微电网经营常数要向主电网供电,预设的电流控制模式。

English Description:

Microgrid is defined as the cluster of multiple distributed generators (DGs) such as renewable energy sources that supply electrical energy. The connection of microgrid is in parallel with the main grid. When microgrid is isolated from remainder of the utility system, it is said to be in intentional islanding mode. In this mode, DG inverter system operates in voltage control mode to provide constant voltage to the local load. During grid connected mode, the Microgrid operates in constant current control mode to supply preset power to the main grid.

