
Double fed wind power source code

matlab 并网 源代码

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文件大小: 12.49 kB

代码分类: 其他

开发平台: matlab

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中文说明:应用背景 双馈风电机组的有功功率输出无法响应电网频率的变化,并且由于其通常运行在最大功率 点跟踪模式下,亦无备用的有功功率支援电网的频率控制。通过提升发电机转子转速和调节桨距 角可实现双馈风电机组的减载运行,从而保留部分有功功率作为备用以提升对电网频率的调节能 力,但是超速控制和变桨控制在不同工况下,具有一定的工程局限性。为深入挖掘双馈风电机组的 调频潜力,提出了一种超速与变桨相协调的调频控制策略。该控制策略根据不同的风速条件,将调 频分为低风速、中风速和高风速3种模式,并详细分析了可辨识这3种模式的判据。仿真结果表 明,基于文中提出的控制方法,双馈风电机组可以有效提升系统的频率稳定性。 关键技术综述了风力发电技术态势,即单机容量大型化、海上风机、定桨矩向变桨、 变速恒频、无齿轮箱(直驱式)、结构设计发展,以及风电场远程监控及无线网络技术应 用;论述了风力发电系统结构,如定速、变速风力发电系统原理及特点;列举了机组状态 监测系统、测量参数,以及系统构成及实施功能;介绍了风电机组功率控制策略,以及变 桨距控制、偏航控制、发电机控制原理及技术特点;提出了风电机组低电压穿越技术措 施,如转子旁路保护电路、转子旁路加定子侧电力电子开关的组合电路、改进变换器控 制算法、定子侧有源保护电路等;最后,针对多端电压源换流器高压直流输电用于风电 场并网,分析结果表明双馈风电机组等效模型能正常稳定工作,在逆变侧发生故障时能 较快恢复,且控制效果明显。

English Description:

Application backgroundThe active power output of a doubly fed induction generator is unable to respond to the change of the grid frequency, and due to its usual operation at the maximum powerFrequency control of active power support network with point tracking mode. By improving the generator rotor speed and adjusting the pitchThe angle can be used to reduce the load operation of the doubly fed wind power generating unit, so as to retain some active power as a reserve to improve the power grid frequency adjustmentForce, but the speed control and variable pitch control in different conditions, has a certain limitation of engineering. For the further excavation of the double fed wind turbineA modulation strategy for the coordination of the speed and the pitch is proposed. The control strategy will be adjusted according to the different wind speed conditions.The 3 modes of low wind speed, middle speed and high wind speed are divided into 3 modes, and the criteria for
