
Riding comfort of passenger train m program

程序 计算 列车 旅客

关注次数: 376

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文件大小: 2.18 kB

代码分类: 其他

开发平台: matlab

下载需要积分: 2积分



中文说明:本发明涉及一种列车乘坐舒适度的综合评价方法,具有如下步骤:a).首先检测列车的影响舒适度的六个因素 的数据,包括振动、噪音、空气压力、温度、湿度和照度;b).对检测到的六个因素的数据进行分别计算,得到各个分项指标的舒适度等级,每个舒适度等级的赋 予一定的分值,舒适度越高,分值越高,得到每个影响因素的评分P振、P噪、P压、P温、P湿、P照;c).综合舒适度评分SC=W1*P振+W2*P 噪+W3*P压+W4*P温+W5*P湿+W6*P照,其中W代表各个影响因素

English Description:

This invention involved a train ride Shu moderate of integrated evaluation method, has following steps: a,). first detection train of effect Shu moderate of six a factors of data, including vibration, and noise, and air pressure, and temperature, and humidity and as degrees; b). on detection to of six a factors of data for respectively calculation, get all points items index of comfortable degrees grade, each comfortable degrees grade of gives must of score, comfortable degrees more high, score more high, get each effect factors of score p vibration, and p noise, and p pressure, and p temperature, and p wet, and As p c). comprehensive comfort rating temperature vibration +W2*P noise SC=W1*P +W3*P +W4*P +W5*P wet +W6*P as, where w represents the factors
