
Design of equiripple Chebyshev FIR filter with

滤波器 fir 设计 切比 雪夫 波纹

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开发平台: matlab

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中文说明: 设计等波纹切比雪夫FIR带通滤波器,并返回量化后的FIR滤波器系数,16进制显示  1、滤波器指标:过渡带带宽分别为100~300HZ,500~700HZ,阻带允许误差为0.02,通带允许误差为0.01,采样频率为2000HZ,量化位数为12bit  2、设计方法,要求利用kaiserord函数获取滤波器参数,并设计成等波纹最优滤波器  3、要求对叠加信号进行滤波,叠加信号是由频率分别为100 ,400,800HZ的正弦波叠加而成,要求将信号通过FPGA滤波后的用modelsim仿真,并在matlab中验证滤波器的正确性

English Description:

Design of equiripple Chebyshev FIR filter and returns the quantized coefficients FIR filters, 16 hexadecimal display 1, the filter indicator: 100~300HZ,500~700HZ transition width respectively, stop-band allow error of 0.02, passband tolerance of 0.01, sampling frequency is 2000HZ, number of quantization bits is 12bit 2, design methods, require kaiserord function to obtain the filter parameters and design optimal equiripple filters 3, for filtering the signal, signal is determined by the frequency of 100 respectively, 400,800HZ sine wave superposed by calling signals by using ModelSim simulation for FPGA filtering and the correctness of the authentication filter in MATLAB
