
LiDAR point cloud gross error elimination

matlab LIDAR 剔除

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文件大小: 1.16 kB

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开发平台: matlab

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中文说明:资源描述function [Reserve,Remove] = OutlierRemoval ( Input ) %用于剔除LiDAR中的粗差点 %Input[X,Y,Z,....]  Output为删除Input粗差点所在行 %算法思想:第一步,以0.1米为间隔对整个高程范围分段,分别统计各高程段LiDAR点数目,频数小于限差的点为粗差点 %第二步,对整个平面区域格网化,格网大小为1/sqrt(n),n每平米点数;格网化后计算每个格网内平均高程,每个LiDAR %点高程与所在格网平均高程之差求均值和方差,距均值三倍方差之外的点判定为粗差点。

English Description:

Application background[Reserve Remove], function = OutlierRemoval (Input)% LiDAR to remove the rough almost%Input[X, Y, Z,....] , Output, is a good Input to delete.In the first step, the whole elevation range is segmented by 0.1 meters, and the number of LiDAR points in each elevation section is respectively.% for the second step, to the whole region of a plane grid, grid size of 1 / sqrt (n), points per square meter of N; calculation of each grid is the average elevation grid each lidar% point elevation and the grid average elevation difference of mean and variance, distance three times the mean variance point determination for errors.
