
FDTD sullivan codes

matlab 有限 时域 差分法 沙利文

关注次数: 359

下载次数: 1

文件大小: 8.06 kB

代码分类: 其他

开发平台: matlab

下载需要积分: 2积分



中文说明:一维、二维和三维FDTD代码可以在这里找到。具有简单辐射边界条件的一维FDTD代码,具有PML吸收边界条件的二维FDTD TE代码

English Description:

The one dimension two dimension and three dimension FDTD codes can be found here..  1-D FDTD code with simple radiation boundary conditions,  2-D FDTD TE code with PML absorbing boundary conditions  3-D FDTD code with PEC boundaries are given. the program describes the time domain FDTD. The electric and magnetic field at each instant of time is given
