
Matlab - Tetris source code

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文件大小: 3.11 MB

代码分类: 其他

开发平台: matlab

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中文说明:GUI设计俄罗斯方块优化版V2.0按键说明:W、向上箭头、小键盘5:变换形状;A、向左箭头、小键盘1:左移;S、向下箭头、小键盘2:快速下移;D、向右箭头、小键盘3:右移;空格键:暂停;F5或CTRL+R:开始;CTRL+S:停止;快捷键可以参考菜单。本版本具有以下特点:1.图形预览功能;2.分数排名记忆功能,能记忆分数前三名;如果要清零分数排名,只需要删除所在目录的fenshu.mat文件即可;3.难度等级为三级,每级图形的下降速度逐步加快;4.每隔一段时间,底部会增加两行方块;5.分数按消的行数成指数增加,比如,一次消1行得100分,消2行得400分,3行800分,4行1600分;6.20种图形样式,70多种变体,难度更大。根据实际测试,修改了部分图形样式。7.每种图新样式对应一种固定的颜色。8.普通模式中,对于初级玩家,图形种类为7种; 对于中级玩家,图形种类为14种;对于高级玩家,图形种类为20种。9.闯关模式中:第1关图形种类为7种,初级玩家的速度;分数到达10000后进入第2关,此时图形种类为10种,速度加快;分数到达20000后进入第3关,此时图形种类为13种,速度加快;分数到达30000后进入第4关,此时图形种类为16种,速度加快;分数到达40000后进入第5关,此时图形种类为20种,速度为高级玩家的速度;超过50000分,通关。10.需要手动按F5或CTRL+R开始;11.两个背景音乐随意选择:仙剑主题曲(双声道)、金庸群侠转(双声道),默认为仙剑背景音乐。    并将采样率降低至11025,以达到降低载入时间的目的。13.可以自由选择wav音乐作为背景音乐。音乐格式要求为:wav文件14.增加“离下次增加两行剩余。。秒”的提示。

English Description:

GUI design optimized version of Tetris v2.0 key Description: W, up arrow, keyboard 5: change shape; a, left arrow, keyboard 1: left; s, down arrow, keyboard 2: fast down; D, right arrow, keyboard 3: right; space bar: pause; F5 or Ctrl + R: start; Ctrl + s: stop; shortcut keys can refer to the menu. This version has the following features: 1. Graphic preview function; 2. Score ranking memory function, which can remember the top three scores; if you want to clear the score ranking, you only need to delete the index in the directory fenshu.mat 3. The difficulty level is three, and the descending speed of each level graph is gradually accelerated; 4. Two lines of squares will be added at the bottom every once in a while; 5. The number of lines of score will be exponential Add, for example, one line at a time will get 100 points, two lines will get 400 points, three lines will get 800 points, four lines will get 1600 points; 6.20 kinds of graphic styles and more than 70 varieties will make it more difficult. According to the actual test, some graphic styles are modified. 7. Each new style corresponds to a fixed color. 8. In normal mode, for junior players, there are 7 kinds of graphics; for intermediate players, there are 14 kinds of graphics; for advanced players, there are 20 kinds of graphics. 9. In the breakthrough mode: there are 7 kinds of graphics in the first level, which is the speed of junior players; when the score reaches 10000, there are 10 kinds of graphics in the second level, which is faster; when the score reaches 20000, there are 13 kinds of graphics in the third level, which is faster; when the score reaches 30000, there are 16 kinds of graphics in the fourth level, which is faster; when the score reaches 40000, there are 5 kinds of graphics in the fifth level, At this time, there are 20 types of graphics, and the speed is the speed of advanced players; if the score exceeds 50000, the clearance will be completed. 10. You need to manually press F5 or Ctrl + R to start; 11. You can choose two background music at will: Xianjian theme song (dual channel) and Jinyong heroes turn (dual channel). The default is Xianjian background music. &In order to reduce the loading time, the sampling rate is reduced to 11025. 13. You can choose wav music as background music freely. Music format requirements: wav file 14. Add "add two lines from next time remaining.".. Second.

