
Clustering algorithm based on Kohonen network--a n

matlab 算法 网络 Kohonen 基于 入侵

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中文说明:Kohonen网络是自组织竞争型神经网络的一种,该网络为无监督学习网络,能够识别环境特征并自动聚类。Kohonen神经网络是芬兰赫尔辛基大学教授Teuvo Kohonen提出的,该网络通过自组织特征映射调整网络权值,使神经网络收敛于一种表示形态,在这一形态中一个神经元只对某种输入模式特别匹配或特别敏感。Kohonen网络的学习是无监督的自组织学习过程,神经元通过无监督竞争学习使不同的神经元对不同的输入模式敏感,从而特定的神经元在模式识别中可以充当某一输入模式的检测器。网络训练后神经元被划分为不同区域,各区域对输入模型具有不同的响应特征。        Kohonen神经网络算法工作机理为:网络学习过程中,当样本输入网络时,竞争层上的神经元计算输入样本与竞争层神经元权值之间的欧几里德距离,距离最小的神经元为获胜神经元。调整获胜神经元和相邻神经元权值,使获得神经元及周边权值靠近该输入样本。通过反复训练,最终各神经元的连接权值具有一定的分布,该分布把数据之间的相似性组织到代表各类的神经元上,使同类神经元具有相近的权系数,不同类的神经元权系数差别明显。需要注意的是,在学习的过程中,权值修改学习速率和神经元领域均在不断较少,从而使同类神经元逐渐集中。

English Description:

Kohonen networks are self-organizing competitive neural network a, the network for unsupervised learning network, capable of identifying environmental features and automatic clustering. Kohonen neural networks are Finland raised by University of Helsinki Professor Teuvo Kohonen, self-organization feature mapping network the network weights neural network converges to a form, in this form the neurons in a particular matches or are particularly sensitive to certain input patterns. Kohonen neural network learning is unsupervised since the process of organizational learning, neurons by unsupervised competitive learning different neurons sensitive to different input modes, certain neurons in the pattern recognition can act as a the input mode of the detector. Neuronal network training is divided into different areas, all regions have different response characteristics of the input model.Mechanism of the Kohonen neural network algorithm are: e-learning process, when you enter Internet
