SSA 社会蜘蛛算法我要分享

SSA Social Spider Algorithm

关注次数: 276

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文件大小: 1.21 kB

代码分类: 其他

开发平台: matlab

下载需要积分: 2积分




English Description:

tThe growing complexity of real-world problems has motivated computer scientists to search for efficientproblem-solving methods. Metaheuristics based on evolutionary computation and swarm intelligenceare outstanding examples of nature-inspired solution techniques. Inspired by the social spiders, we pro-pose a novel social spider algorithm to solve global optimization problems. This algorithm is mainlybased on the foraging strategy of social spiders, utilizing the vibrations on the spider web to determinethe positions of preys. Different from the previously proposed swarm intelligence algorithms, we intro-duce a new social animal foraging strategy model to solve optimization problems. In addition, we performpreliminary parameter sensitivity analysis for our proposed algorithm, developing guidelines for choos-ing the parameter values. The social spider algorithm is evaluated by a series of widely used benchmarkfunctions, and our proposed algorithm has superior performance compared with o

