
Pulse-code modulation

matlab 代码 调制 脉冲

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文件大小: 102.93 kB

代码分类: 其他

开发平台: matlab

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中文说明: 脉冲编码调制 (PCM) 是模拟信号,在那里信号的幅度是在统一的时间间隔,定期抽样,然后量化到一系列的数字 (通常为二进制) 代码中的符号的数字表示。PCM 已被用于数字电话系统,也是计算机和光盘的红色书格式的数字音频的标准窗体。它也是标准在数字视频中,例如,使用 ITU-R BT.601。然而,直 PCM 是通常不用于 DVD 或硬盘录像机等消费应用程序中的视频因为它要求太高的比特率。非常频繁,PCM 编码便于从一个点到另一个的数字传输 (在给定系统内,或地理上) 串行形式。

English Description:

Pulse-code modulation (PCM) is a digital representation of an analog signal where the magnitude of the signal is sampled regularly at uniform intervals, then quantized to a series of symbols in a digital (usually binary) code. PCM has been used in digital telephone systems and is also the standard form for digital audio in computers and the compact disc red book format. It is also standard in digital video, for example, using ITU-R BT.601. However, straight PCM is not typically used for video in consumer applications such as DVD or DVR because it requires too high a bit rate. Very frequently, PCM encoding facilitates digital transmission from one point to another (within a given system, or geographically) in serial form.
