
EKF and PF using univariate filter method for non-

matlab 滤波 仿真 模型 pf 方法 采用 估计 静态 状态 EKF 变量 增长

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文件大小: 18.84 kB

代码分类: 其他

开发平台: matlab

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中文说明:程序功能  :采用EKF和PF滤波方法对单变量非静态增长模型(UNGM模型)的状态估计仿真(主函数)可调变量  :- Q:  过程噪声协方差- R:  测量噪声协方差 - N:  采样粒子数输出变量  :- Kalman filter RMS:卡尔曼滤波状态估计均方根误差- Particle filter RMS:粒子滤波状态估计均方根误差

English Description:

Program features:By EKF and PF filter on single non-static growth model (UNGM model) State estimation simulation (function)Adjustable variable:-Q: process noise covariance-R: measurement noise covariance-N: sampling number of particlesThe output variable:-Kalman filter RMS: Kalman filter estimation mean-square error-Particle filter RMS: State estimation for particle filter root mean square error
