中文说明:资源描述 对原始Lena 图像实现以下三种取整函数的直方图均衡化: 线性函数: tk= int[(L -1) tk+ 0.5] ; 对数函数: tk= int[( L-1)log(1+9tk) + 0.5] ; 指数函数: tk= int[(L -1)exp( tk-1) + 0.5] ; 实现: 1、 原始图像和分别采用上述三种方式均衡化后的图像; 2、 原始图像的直方图和上述三种方式对应均衡化后的直方图。
English Description:
Application backgroundThe original Lena image histogram equalization to achieve the following three kinds of integral function:Linear function: tk=; int[ (L -1) tk+; 0.5] ;Logarithmic function: tk=; int[log ( L-1) (1+9tk) + 0.5] ;Exponential function: tk=; int[exp (L -1) ( TK-1) + 0.5] ;Realization1, the original image and the image after the equalization of the above three ways;2, the histogram of the original image and the histogram of the above three ways.