
MATLAB code algorithm

matlab 算法 代码

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开发平台: matlab

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中文说明:应用背景针对网格代码的严格标准随着并网风电场已成为一个主要的点今天的工程师和研究者的关注。此外,电压稳定性是稳定运行的关键因素风电场并网时,电网故障穿越扰动。本文研究的实施和FACTS设备如STATCOM与SVC的比较对于电压稳定问题的DFIG风电场连接到电网和负载。研究的内容包括FACTS装置的实现是一个动态的电压恢复在公共耦合点保持稳定电压,从而保护DFIG风电场互联系统在权力分离经过动乱。电力系统模型进行仿真在MATLAB / SIMULINK仿真和结果表明,STATCOM比SVC的稳定运行风力涡轮发电机系统保持在服务期间关键技术概念的双馈感应发电机并网的定子端子以及转子通过部分额定频率可变的交流/直流/交流电源转换器(VFC)。该由一个转子侧转换器(RSC)和网侧变换器(GSC)由直流侧电容背靠背。在基于风力涡轮机DFIGs与弱势网络特征的短路比,然后电网扰动或重负荷运行在附近公共耦合点(PCC)由于小功率容量GSC,它不能提供足够的无功功率和电压支持,会有风险电压不稳,从风机断开网络和损害承担的DFIGs功率电子变换器由于其高电压引起的。因此,电压稳定性是关键问题保持风机不间断运行配备DFIGs。并网模式下,DFIGs不仅有助于活跃的发电也无功功率的独立但由于有限无功功率容量和风的远程位置发电机不能提供

English Description:

Application backgroundTo meet the strict criteria of grid codes for the integrated wind farm with the grid has become a major point of concern for engineers and researchers today. Moreover voltage stability is a key factor for the stable operation of grid connected wind farm during fault ride through and grid disturbances. This paper investigates the implementation and comparison of FACTS devices like STATCOM and SVC for the voltage stability issue for DFIG-based wind farm connected to a grid and load. The study includes the implementation of FACTS devices as a dynamic voltage restorer at the point of common coupling to maintain stable voltage and thereby protecting DFIG-based wind farm interconnected powers system from isolating during and after the disturbances. The power system mo
