
MIMO channel estimation

matlab mimo 估计 信道

关注次数: 381

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文件大小: 7.55 kB

代码分类: 其他

开发平台: matlab

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中文说明: 主要介绍了多天线发送和多天线接收(MIMO)无线通信的基本原理,以及MIMO技术在宽带无线通信、分布式合作通信和无线网络中的相关应用。书中既有各种性能分析与仿真结果,又有生动的应用案例,还提供了一些代表性的实现方法。围绕MIMO无线通信的信道模型、信道容量、信道估计和实现算法

English Description:

Introduces multi-multi-antenna antenna sends and receives (MIMO) fundamentals of wireless communication, and MIMO technology in broadband wireless communications, collaborative communications and related applications in a wireless network. Performance analysis and simulation of results in the book, another vivid case, also provides some representative methods. Around the channel model for MIMO Wireless communication, channel capacity, and channel estimation algorithms
