在 matlab 生成的 BCH_bpsk 代码我要分享

BCH_bpsk code in matlab generation

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开发平台: matlab

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中文说明:这种 codepresents 的性能评价和比较各种串联纠错码使用二进制相移键控 (BPSK) 调制方案。三串联纠错编码对即 Convolutional 海明,Convolutional 循环,设计了 Convolutional-玻色,乔杜里基于并且添加剂白高斯噪声 (AWGN) 信道,测出的误码率性能。所有成对的级联码的误比特率进行了都比较和能源每比特信噪功率比和他们的表现反映了他们的纠错能力。所有仿真技术进行了使用 MATLAB R2009a Simulink 软件。一般 Convolutional-玻色乔杜里基于展示更好的性能相比,Convolutional 海明和 Convolutional 循环的串联双。关键词︰ 加性白高斯噪声 (AWGN)

English Description:

This codepresents the performance evaluation and comparison of various concatenated error correcting codes using Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK) modulation scheme. Three concatenated error correcting code pair i.e. Convolutional-Hamming, Convolutional-Cyclic, Convolutional-Bose, Chaudhuri Hocquenghem is designed and the BER performance was measured for an Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) channel. All pairs of concatenated codes have been compared in terms of bit error rate & energy per bit to noise power ratio and their performance reflects their error correcting capability. All simulation was done using MATLAB R2009a Simulink software. In general Convolutional-Bose Chaudhuri Hocquenghem demonstrate better performance compared to Convolutional-Hamming and Convolutional-Cyclic concatenation pairs. Keywords: Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) ,

