
Key signal simulation program

matlab 程序 模拟 相信

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文件大小: 1.98 kB

代码分类: 其他

开发平台: matlab

下载需要积分: 2积分



中文说明:% 输入量:轴径d,三角形个数2*n,三角形顶角alpha,矩形个数m(m是奇数),位移y0,采样频率 fs ,轴的转速 v (r/min)% 此程序是模拟主轴转动过程中光电传感器产生的信号% 纸带形状为三角形与矩形的组合% 一个周期中,三角形和矩形各占一半。矩形宽度与矩形之间的间隔相等% 此函数需要调用子函数 search_left 和 search_right

English Description:

% Input: shaft diameter d, the number of triangles 2 * n, triangular apex angle alpha, the rectangle number m (m is an odd number), the displacement y0, the sampling frequency fs, the shaft rotational speed v (r / min)% This program is an analog signal during the rotation of the spindle generated photoelectric sensor% Of a combination of a triangular shape with tape rectangle% A cycle, triangles and rectangles each half. Equal spacing between the width of the rectangle and rectangle% This function needs to be called subroutine search_left and search_right
