
Simulation of Mobile Welding Robot with Variable S

matlab 机器人 控制 仿真 结构 移动

关注次数: 325

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文件大小: 295.39 kB

代码分类: 其他

开发平台: matlab

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English Description:

As mobile welding robot are widely applied into e more flexible control strategy for welding robot are needed, but thesecontrol systems are often hard to control by traditional method,so a nonlinear sliding mode control method based on variablestructure control was presented for mobile robot control was designed. Sliding mode control (SMC) is a special nonlinearcontrol method which have quick response, insensitive to parameters variation and disturbance, online identification forplants are not needed, its very suitable for nonlinear system control, but in reality usage, the chattering reduction andelimination is key problem in SMC. In this paper, the kinematics models of mobile welding robot was established, theswitching function was designed and the stability was analyzed by Lyapnouv theorem, also the sliding mode controller wasdesigned with uniform reaching law , by simulation we can get the methods that pre
