
Color Frequency Image

matlab 图像 彩色 频率

关注次数: 328

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文件大小: 2.33 kB

代码分类: 其他

开发平台: matlab

下载需要积分: 2积分



中文说明:这是介绍由柏木 T.S.Oe 的颜色频率概念 MATLAB 实现。 使用此脚本,你挑一种彩色图像,然后它计算彩色频率图像。颜色频率 图像是在哪里象素的强度代表原始图像中像素的频率 作为该像素位置相同的像素颜色。例如,在屏幕快照中,蓝色天空看起来明亮因为 有很多同样的彩色蓝色像素组成的图像。无处不在原始图像,还有一个蓝色的像素 因为蓝色像素的频率很高,它将频率图像中有很高的价值。 (如果你 imshow() 替换使用 image,并注释掉 imwrite() 函数然后你不需要。

English Description:

This is a MATLAB implementation of the Color Frequency concept introduced by T. Kashiwagi & S. Oe. With this script, you pick a color image and then it computes the color frequency image. The color frequency  image is an image where the pixel intensity represents the frequency of pixels in the original image that have  that same pixel color as that pixel location. For example, in the screen shot, the blue sky looks bright because  there are a lot of similarly colored blue pixels in the image. Everywhere there is a blue pixel in the original image,  it will have a high value i
