
Spectral kurtosis programming bandpass filter base


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开发平台: matlab

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中文说明:应用背景  现代工业通用机械都配备了相当数量的滚动轴承。一般说来,滚动轴承都是机器中最精密的部件。通常情况下,它们的公差都保持在机器的其余部件的公差的十分之一。但是,多年的实践经验表明,只有10%以下的轴承能够运行到设计寿命年限。而大约40%的轴承失效是由于润滑引起的故障,30%失效是由于不对中或“卡住”等装配失误,还有20%的失效是由过载使用或制造上缺陷等其它原因所致。 关键技术对于非平稳信号的谱峭度是关于频率和频率分辨率的函数,因此基于FIR带通滤波器的快速谱峭度算法将其成功的应用于实际的故障诊断之中。此算法是基于二叉树状滤波器组结构的。

English Description:

Application background  modern industrial general machinery is equipped with a considerable number of rolling bearings. Generally speaking, rolling bearings are the most delicate parts of the machine.. Often, their tolerances are kept in the tolerance of the rest of the machine for 1/10. However, many years of practical experience shows that only 10% of the following bearings can be running to the design life of the year. And about 40% of the bearing failure is due to a malfunction caused by lubrication, 30% failure is due to misalignment or "stuck" assembly errors, and 20% of failure is caused by other reasons, overload use or manufacture defects.Key TechnologyFor non-stationary signal spectral kurtosis is function of frequency and frequency resolution, so based on fir band pass filter fast spectral kurtosis algorithm will be the successful application in the actual fault diagnosis. This algorithm is based on two fork tree filter bank st
