
PWM for the dc-dc or dc-ac converters

matlab pwm 转换器 DCDC

关注次数: 434

下载次数: 0

文件大小: 7.01 kB

代码分类: 其他

开发平台: matlab

下载需要积分: 2积分




English Description:

pwm is a modulation technique that conforms the width of the pulse, pulse duration, based on modulator signal information. It is very necessary for the switching signal in the semiconductor switches, specially if need to make a converter like dc-dc or dc-ac or ac-dc. In this file, there is a technique to make a pwm singal has been analyzed. By this signal the semiconductor switches in different power converters can be used. There have different technique to make pwm signal, here based one technique the circuit has been dsigned.
