
Particle swarm optimization algorithm

matlab 算法 优化 粒子

关注次数: 245

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文件大小: 1.03 kB

代码分类: 其他

开发平台: matlab

下载需要积分: 2积分



中文说明: 粒子群算法施一种有效的全局寻优算法。与传统的进化算法相比,粒子群算法保留了基于种群的全局搜索策略,但是其采用的“速度-位移”模型操作简单,避免了复杂的遗传操作,它特有的记忆使其可以动态跟踪当前的搜索情况调整搜索策略。本代码结果非常明显而且直观。

English Description:

Particle swarm optimization is an effective global optimization algorithm. Compared with the traditional evolutionary algorithm, particle swarm optimization retains the global search strategy based on population, but its "velocity displacement" model is simple to operate and avoids the complex genetic operation. Its unique memory enables it to dynamically track the current search situation and adjust the search strategy. The result of this code is very obvious and intuitive.
