
Biogeography-based Optimization


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开发平台: matlab

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中文说明:基于生物地理学的优化,优良的全局优化算法 !地理学是研究生物的地理分布。执政的生物分布的数学方程首先发现和开发在 1960 年代。工程师的思维方式是我们可以汲取自然。这促使在优化问题中的生物地理学应用。就像数学上的生物遗传学激励遗传算法 (气) 的发展和生物神经元的数学人工神经网络的发展,本文认为生物地理学的数学作为发展的一个新领域的基础: 基于生物地理学的优化 (BBO)。我们讨论自然地理学和其数学,然后讨论如何使用它来解决优化问题。我们看到 BBO 有功能与其他基于生物学的优化方法,如气体和粒子群优化算法 (PSO)。这使得 BBO 适用于许多相同类型的问题这种气体和粒子群优化算法用于,即高维数问题与多个局部最优解。然而,BBO 也有一些在生物学基础的优化方法中是独一无二的功能。我们表现 BBO 上一套 14 的标准基准,并比较它与其他七种以生物学为基础的最优化算法。我们还演示了 BBO 飞机发动机的健康状况估计真实世界的传感器选择问题。

English Description:

Biogeography-based Optimization, a excellent global optimization algorithm!Biogeography is the study of the geographical distribution of biological organisms. Mathematical equations that govern the distribution of organisms were first discovered and developed during the 1960s. The mindset of the engineer is that we can learn from nature. This motivates the application of biogeography to optimization problems. Just as the mathematics of biological genetics inspired the development of genetic algorithms (GAs), and the mathematics of biological neurons inspired the development of artificial neural networks, this paper considers the mathematics of biogeography as the basis for the development of a new field: biogeography-based optimization (BBO). We discuss natural biogeography and its mathematics, and then discuss how it can be used to solve optimization problems. We see that BBO has features in common with other
