中文说明:资源描述 一种新的非线性能量算子,效果可以媲美传统的Teager—Kaiser能量算子。 该算法的思路是:1.对信号求微分获得y(t) 2.求y(t)的解析信号 3.求出该解析信号的幅值的平方即为能量。 源程序中都含有如何运行的例子,把注释去掉就可以运行
English Description:
Application backgroundA new nonlinear energy operator, the effect can be comparable to the conventional Kaiser - Teager energy operator.The idea of this algorithm is that: 1 to obtain y (T) of the signal.2 y (T) analysis of the signal3 the square of the amplitude of the analytic signal is the energy.Source program contains examples of how to run the notes removed can run