
Raw data of synthetic aperture radar

matlab 合成 数据 原始 孔径 雷达

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文件大小: 3.17 kB

代码分类: 其他

开发平台: matlab

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中文说明:资源描述为了模拟合成孔径雷达原始数据,使用线性调频缩放方法。这种方法[ 3 ]第一在方位角和距离方向上延伸目标的输入面反射率分别。然后推导出原始数据通过逆均衡基于CS原理的信号。这种方法避免了时间‐域积分运算和提高计算效率。本文提出了一种仿真图,计算和系统的过程。最后,仿真结果验证了计算精度和效率这个过程。

English Description:

Resource description in order to simulate the raw data of SAR, the chirp scaling method is used. This method [3] first, the reflectivity of the input surface of the extended target in the azimuth and range directions is respectively. Then the original data is derived and the signal based on CS principle is obtained by inverse equalization. This method avoids time domain integral operation and improves computational efficiency. This paper presents a simulation diagram, calculation and system process. Finally, the simulation results verify the accuracy and efficiency of this process.
