
emperical mode decomposition


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文件大小: 6.37 kB

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开发平台: matlab

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English Description:

Time-frequency decomposition maps a 1D signal of time into a 2D image of frequency and time, which describes how the frequency content varies with time. The widely used short-time Fourier transform calculates the fast discrete Fourier transform in each time window to compute the spectrogram. The window length determines the tradeoff between time and frequency resolution as the decomposition basis of sine and cosine waves can only provide a fixed spectral resolution (Mallat, 2008). To overcome the limitations of the short-time Fourier transform, wavelet-based methods have been applied for seismic time-frequency analysis. Chakraborty and Okaya (1995) compare the wavelet transform with Fourierbased methods for performing time-frequency analysis on seismic data, and show the superiority of the wavelet transform in terms of spectral resolution. Likewise, the S-transform is proposed by Stockwell et al. (1996). It can be interpreted as a hybrid of the wavelet transform and shor
