中文说明:应用背景dcm2fmt。我将DICOM文件的现有医院…在任何图像格式。它可以转换file.dcm到image.bmp或image.jpg你想要的对过程。程序:1。dcm2fmt M代码运行。2。选择你的file.dcm(DICOM),我重视它与此代码。3。选择图像格式需要保存在您的电脑。4。结束;关键技术转换,dicom 文件、 格式、 file.dcm、 image.bmp、 根目录
English Description:
Application backgrounddcm2fmt.m converts dicom files existing in hospitals ... into any image format. It can convert a file.dcm to image.bmp or image.jpg as you want to process. Procedures: 1. Run dcm2fmt.m code. 2. Chose your file.dcm (dicom), I have attached it with this code. 3. Chose image format needed to be saved in your pc. 4. end;Key Technologyconvert, dicom files, format, file.dcm ,image.bmp , image.jpg