
GA algorithm Toolbox

matlab 算法 ga 工具箱

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文件大小: 6.09 kB

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开发平台: matlab

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中文说明:遗传算法(Genetic Algorithm)通过模拟自然进化过程搜索最优解的方法。初代种群产生之后,按照适者生存和优胜劣汰的原理,逐代演化产生出越来越好的近似解,在每一代,根据问题域中个体的适应度大小选择个体,并借助于自然遗传学的遗传 请点击左侧文件开始预览 !预览只提供20%的代码片段,完整代码需下载后查看 加载中 侵权举报

English Description:

Genetic algorithm (Genetic Algorithm) way to search for optimal solutions by mimicking natural evolution process. After the original populations, in accordance with the principle of survival of the fittest and survival of the fittest, and generational evolution lead to better approximate solutions in each generation, according to the individual the fitness in the problem domain size select individuals, and with the combination of crossover and mutation the genetic operators of nature genetics, produced on behalf of the new solution set of stocks. Populations like the natural evolution of metazoan species more adapted to the environment than previous generations, the last best individual in the population can be used as approximate optimal solution.
