中文说明: 此代码中,添加白色,盐和胡椒,高斯和均匀噪声输入产品货号或者图片,然后使用下列筛选器的平滑这嘈杂的图片: 中值滤波 最大-最小过滤 阿尔法修剪筛选器 算术平均值滤波 几何过滤器 调和平均值滤波 反谐波滤波器
English Description:
This code, adds a white,salt and pepper ,Gaussian and Uniform noise to an inpute picture , then uses the following filters for smoothing this noisy picture: Median filter Max-min filter Alpha-Trimmed filter Arithmetic mean filter Geometric filter Harmonic mean filter Contra Harmonic filter