
Nonlinear programming

matlab 规划 非线性

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中文说明:资源描述1 非线性规划 1.1 非线性规划的实例与定义 如果目标函数或约束条件中包含非线性函数,就称这种规划问题为非线性规划问 题。一般说来,解非线性规划要比解线性规划问题困难得多。而且,也不象线性规划有 单纯形法这一通用方法,非线性规划目前还没有适于各种问题的一般算法,各个方法都 有自己特定的适用范围。 下面通过实例归纳出非线性规划数学模型的一般形式,介绍有关非线性规划的基本 概念。 例 1 (投资决策问题)某企业有n 个项目可供选择投资,并且至少要对其中一个 项目投资。已知该企业拥有总资金 A元,投资于第i(i = 1,L,n)个项目需花资金 i a 元, 并预计可收益i b 元。试选择最佳投资方案。

English Description:

Application background1 nonlinear programming1.1 examples and definitions of nonlinear programmingIf the objective function or constraint condition contains a nonlinear function, it is called a nonlinear programming problem.Questions. Generally speaking, the problem of solving nonlinear programming is more difficult than solving linear programming problems. Moreover, it is not linear programming.The simplex method is a general method, which is not suitable for all kinds of problems.Have their own specific scope of application.The general form of nonlinear programming mathematical model is summarized in this paper.Concept.Example 1 (investment decision problem) a company has a n project to choose to invest, and at least one of themProject investment. Known that the company has a total capital of A yuan, investment in I (I = 1, L, n) a project to spend money a i,And is expected to return B I yuan. Try to choose the best investment plan.
