中文说明:伺服电机的神经网络参数自整定程序,利用BP误差反向传播算法改变PID 控制参数以获得优越的控制效果
English Description:
The neural network parameter self-tuning program of servo motor uses BP error back-propagation algorithm to change PID control parameters to obtain superior control effectSelf tuning of servo motor parameters based on Neural Network
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中文说明:伺服电机的神经网络参数自整定程序,利用BP误差反向传播算法改变PID 控制参数以获得优越的控制效果
English Description:
The neural network parameter self-tuning program of servo motor uses BP error back-propagation algorithm to change PID control parameters to obtain superior control effectfadongjiMBP.m