Bee Colony Optimization (BCO) in Matlab我要分享

Bee Colony Optimization (BCO) in Matlab

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开发平台: matlab

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中文说明:%蜂群优化在Matlab中%由Adnan ACAN%每个潜在的解决方案被称为一个食物源%根据食物源的质量确定适合度%有三组蜜蜂:雇佣蜜蜂,旁观者蜜蜂和侦察者蜜蜂。%n雇佣蜜蜂的数量等于旁观者蜜蜂的数量。%n雇佣蜜蜂搜索食物源收集有关食物来源%质量的信息。围观蜜蜂呆在蜂箱里,根据受聘蜜蜂收集的信息寻找食物来源。蜜蜂随机寻找新的食物来源。

English Description:

% Bee Colony Optimization in Matlab% By Adnan ACAN% Each potential solution is called a Food Source% Fitness is determined in terms of the quality of food source% There are three groups of bees: employed bees, onlooker bees, and scout bees.% Number of employed bees is equal to the number of onlooker bees.% Employed bees search for the food sorces and gather information on the% quality of foos sources. Onlooker bees stay in hive and search for food% sources on the basis of information gathered by employed bees. The scout% bees search for new food sources randomly.

