中文说明:这个实验的目的是了解 A * 算法并在 Matlab 中实现它。 A * 使用最好的 rst 搜索和 nds 从一个给定的初始节点到目标节点的费用最少的路径。A * 遍历图,随着路径的预计总成本最低或距离,保持一路走来的备用路径段排序的优先级队列。它使用成本函数节点的知识加上启发 x 以确定的顺序搜索访问树中的节点。
English Description:
The aim of this lab is to understand the A* algorithm and implement it in Matlab. A* uses a best-rst search and nds a least-cost path from a given initial node to the goal node. As A* traverses the graph, it follows a path of the lowest expected total cost or distance, keeping a sorted priority queue of alternate path segments along the way. It uses a knowledge-plus-heuristic cost function of node x to determine the order in which the search visits nodes in the tree.