Pegasis 路由协议我要分享

Pegasis Routing Protocol

matlab 协议 路由 PEGASIS

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文件大小: 4.65 kB

代码分类: 其他

开发平台: matlab

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中文说明:本文中,我们提出一个接收器,在提高的能源有效的基于 PEGASIS 协议的流动(IEEPB) 推动无线传感器网络 (Wsn) 的网络生存期。多头链,多链概念和水槽流动影响很大程度上是在提高无线传感器网络的寿命。因此,我们建议改进的移动接收器节能的基于节点的路由协议 (MIEEPB) ;一个具有接收器的流动性,实现无线传感器精通能源利用的多链模型。作为机动的运动的移动接收器由汽油操纵或电流,就需要限制这种运动在界限和移动接收器的轨迹应该被固定。我们的技术,在移动接收器移动沿着它的轨迹和逗留时间入住酒店逗留地点以保证资料的收集齐全。我们发展轨迹移动接收器的一种算法。我们最终执行广泛实验评估了该方法的性能。结果表明,拟议的出路就是接近最佳和比 IEEPB 的网络的生命周期也更好。

English Description:

this paper, we propose the mobility of a sink in improved energy efficient PEGASIS-based protocol(IEEPB) to advance the network lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). The multi-head chain,multi-chain concept and the sink mobility affects largely in enhancing the network lifetime of wireless sensors.Thus, we recommend Mobile sink improved energy-efficient PEGASIS-based routing protocol (MIEEPB); amulti-chain model having a sink mobility, to achieve proficient energy utilization of wireless sensors. As themotorized movement of mobile sink is steered by petrol or current, there is a need to confine this movementwithin boundaries and the trajectory of mobile sink should be fixed. In our technique, the mobile sink movesalong its trajectory and stays for a sojourn time at sojourn location to guarantee complete data collection.We develop an algorithm for trajectory of mobile sink. We ultimately perform wide-ranging experiments toasse
