
Support vector machine for speaker recognition

matlab 支持 用于 别的 向量 说话

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开发平台: matlab

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中文说明:应用背景本文包括以下各章和附录:“二阶电路”共振的基本信号,Laplace变换反拉普拉斯变换-用拉普拉斯变换的电路分析-状态变量和状态方程•频率响应和情节•自感和互感变压器博德•一和二端口网络•平衡三相不平衡三相系统•系统•介绍MATLAB®•介绍Simulink®•介绍在®•复习复数矩阵和行列式的••缩放•矩阵和决定因素,每单位系统,微分方程的回顾每一章和每一个附录包含了大量的实际应用详细说明使用MATLAB,Simulink和SimPowerSystems,获得快速、准确结果。关键技术电路分析用MATLAB计算及®Simulink / SimPowerSystems®建模学生和工作的专业人士会发现电路用MATLAB计算及®分析IISimulink / SimPowerSystems®®建模是一个简洁易学文本。它提供了完整的,显然,与传统的详细解释二学期电路分析,这些都是说明有许多实际的例子。

English Description:

Application background this paper includes the following chapters and appendixes: "basic signals of second-order circuit" resonance, Laplace transform anti Laplace transform circuit analysis using Laplace transform state variables and equations of state, frequency response and plot, self inductance and mutual inductance transformer bode, one and two port network, balanced three-phase unbalanced three-phase system, system, introduction to Matlab, introduction to Simulink Each chapter and appendix contains a large number of practical application details. Using MATLAB, Simulink and SimPowerSystems, fast and accurate results can be obtained. Key technology circuit analysis is calculated and modeled with MATLAB and II Simulink / SimPowerSystems is a concise and easy to learn text for students and professionals. It provides a complete, apparently detailed explanation of two semesters of circuit analysis with traditional ones, which are illustrated by many practical examples.
