
Mie theory calculation code

matlab code Mie 计算 理论

关注次数: 473

下载次数: 2

文件大小: 2.93 kB

代码分类: 其他

开发平台: matlab

下载需要积分: 2积分



中文说明: G. Mie于1909年由Maxwell方程组推导出了如何计算某一球体介质对某一入射辐射的散射效率。 本代码为m文件,带plot功能,代码编写参考Bohren and Huffman (1983)。 输入量为球体介质的相对复折射率和尺度参数,输出参数为Mie系数,消光效率因子,散射效率因子和非对称因子等。

English Description:

G. Mie in 1909 by the Maxwell equations deduced how the medium on a sphere a scattering of incident radiation efficiency. This code m paper, plot function, coded references Bohren and Huffman (1983). Quantity entered is relatively complex refractive spheres medium and scale parameter, an output parameter for Mie coefficient, extinction efficiency factor, scattering efficiency factor and the asymmetry factor and so on.
