中文说明: 此为使用matlab进行编程,将数据绘制于海森机率格纸上,数据散点分布于皮尔逊Ⅲ型曲线周围,可用于求得数据是否符合皮尔逊三型曲线,可以通过最大残差模的数值对拟合的效果进行评判, 进一步可以选择更合适的曲线对数据进行拟合。
English Description:
This is to use matlab to program and draw the data on the Hessian probability grid paper. The scattered points of the data are distributed around the Pearson type III curve, which can be used to determine whether the data conform to the Pearson type III curve. The fitting effect can be evaluated by the value of the maximum residual modulus,