
USB camera video capture

c usb 摄像头 视频 获取

关注次数: 419

下载次数: 0

文件大小: 665.04 kB

代码分类: 其他

开发平台: matlab

下载需要积分: 2积分



中文说明:应用背景自20 世纪 80 年代末期 S. M all at首次将小波变换引人图像处理以来 , 小波变换以其 优 良的时频局 部化能力及去相关能力在图像压缩编码领域得到了广泛应用 , 并取得 了良好 的效果。同时经典的数字信号处理理论体系已经非常的成熟,作为传统学科数字信号处理与新的计算机技术的结合为数字图像处理提供了很好应用环境,使得计算机高速的高效的处理复杂的图像信息成为了可能。 关键技术数字图像处理  基于小波变换的图像压缩编码 大致 经过 三个关键步骤 : 首先选取合适小波母函数 与滤波器 , 对图像信号实施小波变换 ; 其次对变换后 的小波系数进行量化编码 , 从而得到二进制符号 流; 最后对符号流进行熵编码 以得到图像压缩后的比特流. 其 中, 量化编码阶段 占有举足轻重的地位 , 这是 因为实际上所有的信息损失都发生在量化编码 阶段.

English Description:

Application backgroundSince M all at S. was first introduced in the late 1980s, the wavelet transform is introduced into the image processing of the wavelet transform.The ability to change and to go to the relevant ability in the field of image compression has been widely applied, and achieved good results in the field of image compression. At the same time, the classical digital signal processing theory system has been very mature. As a combination of digital signal processing and new computer technology, digital image processing provides a good environment, which makes it possible to deal with complex image information.Key TechnologyThe digital image processing  , the image compression based on wavelet transform, three key steps: first select the appropriate wavelet function and filter, wavelet transform of image signal, and then the wavelet coefficients of the wavelet transform, then get the binary symbol stream; finally, the symbol str
