
Using MATLAB genetic algorithm

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文件大小: 157.94 kB

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开发平台: matlab

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中文说明: 遗传算法(Genetic Algorithm ,GA) 是借鉴生物界自然选择和群体进化机制形成的一种全局寻优算法。与传统的优化算法相比 ,遗传算法具有如下优点[1]: 1) 不是从单个点 ,而是从多个点构成的群体开始搜索 ; 2) 在搜索最优解过程中 ,只需要由目标函数值转换得来的适应值信息 ,而不需要导数等其它辅助信息 ; 3) 搜索过程不易陷入局部最优点。目前 ,该算法已渗透到许多领域 ,并成为解决各领域复杂问题的有力工具

English Description:

Genetic algorithm (Genetic Algorithm, GA) is referring to natural selection, evolutionary mechanisms and groups form a global optimization algorithm. Compared with the traditional optimization algorithm, genetic algorithms have the following advantages: [1]: 1) is not from a single point, but from the Group began to search for multiple points; 2) during the process of searching for optimal solutions, just the fitness information from the objective function value, without the need for derivative and other secondary information; 3) search process trapped in local minima. At present, the algorithm has been applied to many areas, and become powerful tools to solve complex problems in the areas

