
ICP registration algorithm

c++ 算法 iCP

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开发平台: matlab

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中文说明:著名的迭代就近点算法(icp)的源代码,在20世纪80年代中期,很多学者开始对点集数据的配准进行了大量研究。1987年,Horn、Arun等人用四元数法提出点集对点集配准方法。这种点集与点集坐标系匹配算法通过实践证明是一个解决复杂配准问题的关键方法。1992年,计算机视觉研究者Besl和Mckay介绍了一种高层次的基于自由形态曲面的配准方法,也称为迭代就近点法ICP(Iterative Closest Point)。以点集对点集(PSTPS)配准方法为基础,他们阐述了一种曲面拟合算法,该算法是基于四元数的点集到点集配准方法。从测量点集中确定其对应的就近点点集后,运用Faugera和Hebert提出的方法计算新的就近点点集。用该方法进行迭代计算,直到残差平方和所构成的目标函数值不变,结束迭代过程。ICP配准法主要用于解决基于自由形态曲面的配准问题。

English Description:

Famous iteration of the nearest point algorithm (ICP) source code, in the mid 1980 of the 20th century, many scholars are beginning to point set data registration of a large number of studies. In 1987, the Horn, the Quaternion method is Arun, who proposed point set point set registration method. And set coordinates of this point set matching algorithm for complex matching problem proved to be a critical method. In 1992, computer vision researcher Besl and Mckay, based on a high level of free-form surface registration method, also referred to as iterative nearest point ICP (Iterative Closest Point). Point
