
Design and realization of audio spectrum analyzer

matlab 音频 实现 设计 频谱分析仪

关注次数: 564

下载次数: 3

文件大小: 32.90 kB

代码分类: 其他

开发平台: matlab

下载需要积分: 2积分



中文说明:(1) 音频信号信号输入,从声卡输入、从WAV文件输入、从标准信号发生器输入;(2) 信号波形分析,包括幅值、频率、周期、相位的估计,以及统计量峰值、均值、均方值和方差的计算;(3) 信号频谱分析,频率、周期的估计,图形显示幅值谱、相位谱、实频谱、虚频谱和功率谱的曲线。

English Description:

(1)   audio signal signal entered, from sound card entered, and from WAV file entered, and from standard signal generator entered; (2)   signal waveform analysis, including site value, and frequency, and cycle, and phase of estimated, and statistics volume peak, and are value, and are party value and variance of calculation; (3)   signal spectrum analysis, frequency, and cycle of estimated, graphics displayed site value spectrum, and phase spectrum, and real spectrum, and virtual spectrum and power spectrum of curve.
