
LDPC coding simulation

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开发平台: matlab

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中文说明:LDPC码即低密度奇偶校验码(Low Density Parity Check Code,LDPC),它由Robert G.Gallager博士于1963年提出的一类具有稀疏校验矩阵的线性分组码,不仅有逼近Shannon限的良好性能,而且译码复杂度较低, 结构灵活,是近年信道编码领域的研究热点,目前已广泛应用于深空通信、光纤通信、卫星数字视频和音频广播等领域。LDPC码已成为第四代通信系统(4G)强有力的竞争者,而基于LDPC码的编码方案已经被下一代卫星数字视频广播标准DVB-S2采纳。

English Description:

LDPC code is low density parity check code (LDPC). It is a kind of linear block codes with sparse check matrix proposed by Dr. Robert G. Gallager in 1963. It not only has good performance of approaching Shannon limit, but also has low decoding complexity, Flexible structure is a research hotspot in the field of channel coding in recent years. It has been widely used in deep space communication, optical fiber communication, satellite digital video and audio broadcasting. LDPC code has become a strong competitor of the fourth generation communication system (4G), and the coding scheme based on LDPC code has been adopted by the next generation satellite digital video broadcasting standard DVB-S2.

