向前和向后和维特比 hmm matlab 程序代码我要分享

forward and backward and viterbi hmm matlab code

matlab 代码 程序 维特比 向前 hmmmatlab

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开发平台: matlab

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中文说明:四好和测试 matlab mfile 的向前和向后和维特比译码算法在维特比找到的隐马尔科夫模型 %最可能 (维特比) 路径通过 HMM 状态网格。路径 %= 维特 (事先、 transmat、 obslik)%%输入:%prior(i) = Pr(Q(1) = i)%transmat(i,j) = 公关 (Q(t+1) = j |Q(t)=i)%obslik(i,t) = Pr(y(t) |Q(t)=i)%%输出:%path(t) = q(t),在那里 q1...qT 是上述表达式中的 argmax。%delta(j,t) = 最佳长度 t-1 和然后去 j 态和 O(1:t) 序列的概率。%psi(j,t) = 最佳的前任状态,既然我们结束了在 t j 态

English Description:

Four good and test matlab mfile for forward and backward and viterbi algorithm in Hidden markov model% VITERBI Find the most-probable (Viterbi) path through the HMM state trellis.% path = viterbi(prior, transmat, obslik)%% Inputs:% prior(i) = Pr(Q(1) = i)% transmat(i,j) = Pr(Q(t+1)=j | Q(t)=i)% obslik(i,t) = Pr(y(t) | Q(t)=i)%% Outputs:% path(t) = q(t), where q1 ... qT is the argmax of the above expression.% delta(j,t) = prob. of the best sequence of length t-1 and then going to state j, and O(1:t)% psi(j,t) = the best predecessor state, given that we ended up in state j at t
