
Image Restoration

matlab 图像 恢复

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文件大小: 4.07 MB

代码分类: 其他

开发平台: matlab

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中文说明: 数字图像的形式转交的视觉信息正在成为现代通信的主要方法。生成图像记录或显示有用的信息。然而,由于在成像和捕获过程中的缺陷,录制的图像总是代表了降级的版本的原始场景。这些缺陷的撤消对很多后续的图像处理任务至关重要。存在范围广泛的不同需要考虑到,例如涉及噪音、 几何退化 (针垫变形)、 照明和颜色不完善 (下/过度曝光、 饱和度) 和模糊的退化。本白皮书将重点从记录采样 (空间上离散) 图像中消除模糊和噪声 (在此例高斯、 盐和纸和斑点噪声) 的基本方法。

English Description:

Visual information transmitted in the form of digital images is becoming a major method of communication in the modern age. Images are produced to record or display useful information. However, due to imperfections in the imaging and capturing process, the recorded image invariably represents a degraded version of the original scene. The undoing of these imperfections is crucial to many of the subsequent image processing tasks. There exists a wide range of different degradations that need to be taken into account, covering for instance noise, geometrical degradations (pin cushion distortion), illumination and color imperfections (under/over-exposure, saturation), and blur. This paper concentrates on basic methods for removing blur and noise (in this case Gaussian, salt and paper & Speckle noise) from recorded sampled (spatially discrete) images.
