
Image compression based on DCT

matlab 图像 压缩 dct 基于

关注次数: 463

下载次数: 1

文件大小: 61.91 kB

代码分类: 其他

开发平台: matlab

下载需要积分: 2积分



中文说明:     在编码过程中,首先将输入图像分解为8*8大小的数据块,然后用正向二维DCT, 把每个块转变成64个DCT系数值,其中1个数值是直流(DC)系数,即8*8空域图像子块的平均值,其余的63个是交流(AC)系数,接下来对DCT系数进行量化,最后将变换得到的量化的DCT系数进行编码和传送,形成压缩后的图像格式,在解码过程中,先对已编码的量子化的DCT系数进行解码,然后求逆量化并把DCT系数转化为8*8样本像块(使用二维DCT, 反变换),最后将操作完成后的块组合成一个单一的图像,这样就完成了图像的压缩和解压过程。

English Description:

      In coding process in the, first will entered image decomposition for 8*8 size of data block, then with are to II dimension DCT, put each block change into 64 a DCT coefficient value, which 1 a numerical is DC (DC) coefficient, that 8*8 airspace image child block of average, remaining of 63 a is Exchange (AC) coefficient, next on DCT coefficient for quantitative, last will transform get of quantitative of DCT coefficient for coding and transfer, Forming a compressed image format and decoding process, the coding of quantized DCT coefficients are decoded, then inverse quantization and 8*8 samples as DCT coefficients into a block (using a two-dimensional DCT and inverse transform), and finally the operation after the completion of the block are combined into a single image, this completes the process of image compression and decompression.
