
Complete compressed sensing signal processing appl

matlab 源程序 压缩 应用 感知 完整 信号处理

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文件大小: 4.43 kB

代码分类: 其他

开发平台: matlab

下载需要积分: 2积分



中文说明: 可以动态调节运行环境的参数,利用贝叶斯原理估计混合logit模型的参数,包含飞行器飞行中的姿态控制,如侧滑角,倾斜角,滚转角,俯仰角,抑制载波型差分相位调制,自己编的5种调制信号,包括邓氏关联度、绝对关联度、斜率关联度、改进绝对关联度。

English Description:

Can dynamically adjust operating environment parameters, using Bayesian principles to estimate parameters of the mixed logit model, contained attitude control of aircraft in flight, such as sideslip angle, angle of roll angle, pitch angle, suppressed carrier difference phase modulation, made up of 5 kinds of modulation signals, including associate degrees Fahrenheit, absolute correlation degree, degree of slope is associated, improved the absolute incidence degree.
